Riba Mundo Tecnología beats its forecasts for the first quarter of 2022

The company Riba Mundo Tecnología continues to beat brands and surpass the forecasts set in its business plan. On this occasion, the tech company has advanced its results of the first quarter of 2022 in which not only exceeds the figures of Q1 2021 but the forecasts marked for the start of this year. In terms of evolution Riba Mundo closed the first quarter of 2022 with a turnover of 48.75 M€ against the 31.36 M€ it obtained in the same period of 2021, a figure that represents a growth of 55.47%, that is, some 17.39 M€ more than last year. But it wouldn’t end there. The figure achieved is also 12.88% higher than the forecasts provided by the Business Plan prepared by Deloitte for the company in that period, and in which it was envisaged to reach revenues of 43.19 M€ (43.191.604.05 € to be more precise).

Financial evolution of Riba Mundo Tecnología in Q1 2022

In terms of profitability the company would have made significant progress. For example, its EBITDA (gross operating income) in Q1’2022 amounted to 513,277 € against 368,246 € of Q1’2021, which would be an increase of 39.38% (+145,031.14 €). Other figures advanced by the company have also been the evolution of the Cost of Merchandise Sold, which went from 30.46 M€ in Q1’21 to 47.07 M€ last quarter, or transport costs, which went from 236.697,67 € to 451.069,87 €. Meanwhile, operating expenses (OPEX) rose to 489,300.49 € in this period (160,874.58 € in Q1’21) while the cost of personnel amounted to 241,589.26 € against 160,874.58 € in the same quarter of 2021, This is because the company has been expanding significantly in recent months.

According to Marco Dezi, COO & Partner of Riba Mundo Tecnología, with this data “we want to show, in absolute terms, the growth experienced by the company with respect to the year 2021, even above the forecast of growth set in the Business Plan, which was lower. We have started the year in a spectacular way thanks, above all, to the constant support offered by our software and we close with a more than positive outlook to reach the goal set at the end of the year 2022 at 250 M€“.

It is not the first time that Riba Mundo exceeds the goals set previously. Without going any further, last 2021 the company exceeded by more than 20 M€ the expected turnover for that year reaching net sales of 173,83 M€ compared to the initial target of 150 M€. With respect to 2020, the figure assumed a growth of 190.29%. Moreover, although in line with this evolution, Riba Mundo achieved in 2021 an EBITDA of 3.6 M€ (2.08% on sales), an EBIT of 3.4 M€ (1.97%) and an ROS of 2.6 M€. For its part, the company would have ended the year with a net result of €3.43 million.

The company would have released a few dates ago, specifically on March 14, its new headquarters and facilities with 5,000 m2.

Source: https://www.alimarket.es/electro/noticia/349972/riba-mundo-tecnologia-bate-sus-previsiones-para-el-primer-trimestre-de-2022#acceder

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