Interview with Mirco Sorbo, commercial director of Riba Mundo and B2B commercial consultant

  1. Mirco, how did you get started in our industry and what did you do before consumer electronics?

I started to deal with electronics at the age of 17. Consumer electronics was one of my first work experiences in the early 1990s, when it was a new, developing sector. The curiosity for the new led me to focus my attention on this sector, choosing to collaborate first with some stores as an agent and, after a year, opening my first shop.

2. We know that you have recently arrived in Riba Mundo. But why Riba Mundo and why now?

I had known the owners of Riba Mundo for some time because I had business and friendship relationships with them. 2020 was a difficult and complicated year for all of us and I realized that I was not totally satisfied with my work situation. Therefore, I decided to make a change my life with the prospect of creating something that fitted more my personal idea of ​​a company. In Riba Mundo I found the ideal condition to realize my personal expectations. I went into business with a group of friends and here I cultivate current and future work projects and I feel that I can express all my strength and commercial experience with them who understand and share my thought.

3. What is your contribution to Riba Mundo?

I offer twenty-seven years of experience and knowledge of the market and a group of customers and suppliers consolidated over time thanks to the professional fairness I have demonstrated over time. I will put all my commitment and effort to ensure that this ”young ” company can arrive at the same level of its main competitors. All together we are offering our wealth of knowledge gathered through years of experience in the sector.

4. Would you like to share with us something about Riba Mundo’s unique approach to business? What distinguishes your company from the others in your opinion?

What distinguishes Riba Mundo is the approach with customers and suppliers. We try to build lasting relationships that go beyond the working and commercial aspect, trying to enhance the interpersonal sphere. We follow the customer not only at the time of the sale, but also in the subsequent phases, providing him with an accurate customer care service. We mainly aim to build customer loyalty by trying to offer him a range of products and daily updated prices. In addition, we try to adapt to the needs of the customer by doing targeted studies on various market situations and also recommending products dedicated to him depending on the geographic area. In Riba Mundo our customers will be able to find a dynamic and helpful team, operators who speak several languages, a range of selected products with updated and competitive prices, a dedicated credit line service with the main insurance companies and an express shipping service with delivery in 24 hours.

5. Which opportunities do you see in the near future?

In the near future I see room for improvement for the company for what concerns the development and expansion of the company structure. We have just finished developing a management software created by us, designed to offer an ever-wider range of products and categories in direct relationship with the best brands. Furthermore, the management software allows us to calculate, through the historical data of the previous months, the market trend to try to anticipate it, guaranteeing competitive prices, top-of-the-range products, and express delivery throughout Europe. It also promotes access to credit for insured customers. Our goal is to be able to provide excellent service to all our customers from the smallest to the biggest.

6. And what are your most immediate goals for Riba Mundo?

The narrow-term objectives for Riba are to continue with retain and expansion of our customers on the one hand, and on the other hand to expand more and more the brands we deal with, thanks to direct contracts with the parent companies. In June we will launch a B2B site for all European shops and retailers, so that they will be able to see in real time our availability and the continuous updates of the stocks of warehouse and the new arrivals. Every day we will launch specific promotions based on the purchase history of our customers and we will also launch an advertisement for the site in each country in order to make it known to all. We will then be present in all the fairs that will be organized in order to have direct contact with our customers. The company is dedicated to serving our customers who allow us to grow daily. Precisely for this reason, and in order to offer a more impeccable service to our customers every day, we are looking for a new warehouse of 4000sqm and we have automated the process of receiving and fulfilling orders up to 16:30 pm on the same day, guaranteeing delivery on the following day. We apply a daily price update policy to be competitive, sacrificing our margin but allowing our customers to find excellent prices and a wide range of products in large quantities.

7. How is the European market in general these days?

The market has started well since the beginning of the year and is receptive. Allow me to say that our policy explained previously is giving us the fruits we expected. Anyway, every day we try to improve and give our best to increase our service and reach the targets we have set for our customers. We closed the quarter positively reaching what we expected, even though we had to struggle with sudden price changes. April started slower, but now the market is moving more regularly, and prices are stabilizing too. It is a market moment not based on large volumes but more on small and medium orders. I foresee a growth in the second half-year, also considering the attenuation of the anti-Covid measures. In addition, I believe the market, and consequently customers, reward companies like ours that are present permanently, with a large warehouse, and a policy based mainly on customer care and assistance both in price than in the daily presence on the market.

8. What do you think will be the biggest impact of the pandemic on our industry?

By now I hope that the pandemic will gradually end in this year and that in the second half it will be almost imperceptible. The impact has been absorbed by the market but now we must continue to work to return to have direct relationships with customers through physical events and trade shows. For me human contact is very important, and the direct relationship has always distinguished me over the years, allowing me to get to know my customers and suppliers, to grow and to build consolidated relationships.

9. Do you believe that there will be a permanent change in the market after the pandemic or that we will return to work as usual?

I think we will return to normal work post-pandemic. Certainly the great ones and who, like us, wants to become great, passed this moment can point to a better future. Customers certainly appreciate the stability of a supplier who always guarantees, despite adversity, a service that is always open with a wide range of products and who is constantly looking for the best solutions for its customers. Our mission is to grow together with the customer by creating an important bond with a non-sporadic 360-degree relationship. I hope that next year I can do an interview in partnership with customers, talking about the great goals achieved all together thanks to ours work and sacrifice.

10. Thanks to you, business is growing. I imagine recruiting is an important part of your job. When you recruit, what do you look for in people?

Yes, the recruiting is the most important part. At Riba Mundo we are a family that is expanding, but we still are a big family that first of all respects other’s work. Here we work daily side by side with enthusiasm to make our dreams come true. The thing I mostly look for in a person during the interviews is the desire to grow and to engage in the project, and to feel part of it. Then comes sincerity, honesty, and respect for the work of colleagues. This is because goals are achieved only if you respect the others, and if you work with heart and soul without envy and all aiming for the same goal.

11. To conclude, what advice would you give to younger people who want to join ours sector?

Certainly, our sector for the new generations is not an easy sector to undertake. It is not easy to fit in and be able to do something good, because it is a sector in which if you do not know the market trend you can easily demotivate yourself. When the new generations begin, they are always looking for the important customer and large volume sales and this is one of the main mistakes. My advice is to try to be yourself, to start small sales and to know well what you sell. This sector relies heavily on professionalism and not on price leverage.

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